
Can You Feed Fish In Minecraft

Tropical Fish are common passive mobs plant in oceans, mangrove swamps and lush caves. At that place are ii,700 naturally occurring variants. Using commands, up to 3,584 visually distinct variants can be spawned.

Spawning [ ]

In Coffee Edition, random varieties of tropical fish spawn in groups of 8 in lukewarm or warm oceans (as well as their deep variants) at Y-level l to 63, and in lush caves at whatever Y-level. They are subject to fish spawning requirements.

In Bedrock Edition, tropical fish spawn underwater at 12-32 blocks away from the actor. Tropical fish spawn just in warm, lukewarm, deep lukewarm ocean biomes and lush caves, in groups of 3-five for the same preset pattern, and in groups of 1-3 for a random pattern. In addition, tropical fish in warm, lukewarm ocean and deep variants tin only spawn at Y levels between 50 and 64 and must exist on the surface (i.e., in that location must not be a spawnable block above the spawn location with a non-solid block on top). Tropical fish in lush caves can spawn on any Y levels just crave underground.

Drops [ ]

  • 1 tropical fish .
  • 1 os meal (five% chance) ‌[ Java Edition only ]
  • i–2 bone south (25% adventure) ‌[ Bedrock Edition only ]
  • i–iii when killed past a player or tamed wolf.

Beliefs [ ]

Tropical fish tend to swim in schools of fish (a maximum of ix tropical fish per school).

The thespian may collect a fish past using a h2o bucket on information technology, which gives the player a saucepan of fish. Fish placed with buckets exercise non despawn naturally. When that fish bucket is used against a block, it empties the bucket, placing water with that fish pond in it.

Weaknesses [ ]

Tropical fish cannot survive out of h2o. Exterior of water, they flop around for a while until eventually they suffocate and die. In Bedrock Edition, they rotate when flipping. Fish cannot swim or breathe in cauldron h2o.[1]

Fish have a weakness to weapons that have the Impaling enchantment, which too affects squid, turtles, guardians, elder guardians and dolphins.‌[ Java Edition only ]

Varieties [ ]

The 22 uniquely-named varieties of tropical fish in Java Edition. From top to bottom:

  1. Anemone, Blackness Tang, Blue Tang‌, Butterflyfish‌, Cichlid, Clownfish
  2. Cotton Candy Betta‌, Dottyback, Emperor Cherry Snapper, Goatfish, Moorish Idol, Ornate Butterflyfish‌
  3. Parrotfish, Queen Angelfish‌, Red Cichlid, Red Lipped Blenny, Red Snapper, Threadfin
  4. Tomato Clownfish‌, Triggerfish, Yellowtail Parrotfish‌, Xanthous Tang

Java Edition [ ]

When tropical fish spawn in the wild, 90% of the fourth dimension they appear as i of the 22 varieties seen on the right, and the other 10% of the time their patterns, size, and colors are completely random, fatigued from whatever of 2 shapes, vi patterns, 15 base colors, and 15 blueprint colors. The color black does not announced on any naturally-spawned tropical fish, since the eyes are unremarkably difficult to see.[2] These result in 2,700 naturally-occurring combinations.

Tropical fish tin exist summoned with blackness as one or both of their colors, and/or without any visible pattern,[ more than information needed ] though fifty-fifty without the pattern they can all the same have a pattern colour, causing a further 884 possible combinations, 480 of which look the same due to the missing pattern.

Bedrock Edition [ ]

Tropical fish do not have common varieties in Bedrock Edition. Instead, naturally spawned tropical fish have ii spawn attempts, the first chooses one of the 22 preset variants, and the other will use randomly chosen patterns, sizes, shapes, and colors (except black) Tropical fish spawned from a spawn egg will utilise randomly chosen patterns, sizes, shapes, and colors (except black). By using commands, tropical fish may be spawned as one of the 22 preset variants.

Names [ ]

Tropical fish variants in buckets have names that are assigned based on their colors and type. In Bedrock Edition, the names are in the name of the bucket, giving names like "Bucket of Plum Blockfish", "Bucket of Sky-Orange Snooper", or "Bucket of Orangish-Lime Dasher". In Java Edition, the type, and colors are displayed equally item tooltips.

In Bedrock Edition, the following colors are renamed from their defaults when they refer to tropical fish. Parentheses betoken default name and color id - come across § Entity data.

  • Sky (Low-cal Blue; 3)
  • Rose (Pink; 6)
  • Silver (Low-cal Gray; 8)
  • Teal (Cyan; 9)
  • Plum (Imperial; 10)

The base colour is first, and the design color is adjacent if it is different.

The fish type is determined co-ordinate to the shape and pattern of the fish:

Flopper Glitter Betty
Stripey Blockfish Clayfish
Tropical Fish Patterns.png
Kob Snooper Brinely
Sunstreak[n i] Dasher Spotty

Some varieties of tropical fish don't follow the normal naming system; instead, they reference real-life fish species. In Java Edition, these unique fish are express to the 22 mutual varieties. In Bedrock Edition, in that location are likewise 22 uniquely-named tropical fish, though they are not all the same as in Java Edition. These uniquely-named tropical fish aren't different from regular tropical fish in terms of pattern or behavior.

These varieties are:

Proper name Type Paradigm
Anemone Orange-Gray Stripey


Blackness Tang Gray Flopper

Black Tang.png

Blue Tang‌[ JE but ] Gray-Blue Flopper

Blue Tang.png

Bluish Dory‌[ Exist only ] Grayness-Sky SunStreak

Blue Dory.png

Butterflyfish‌[ JE only ]
Butterfly Fish‌[ BE only ]
White-Gray Clayfish
Cichlid Blueish-Grey Sunstreak[north 1]


Clownfish Orange-White Kob


Cotton Candy Betta‌[ JE only ]
Candyfloss Betta‌[ Exist merely ]
Pink-Light Blueish Spotty‌[ JE but ]
Rose-Sky Spotty‌[ BE only ]

Cotton Candy Betta.png

Dottyback Purple-Yellow Blockfish‌[ JE merely ]
Plum-Yellow Blockfish‌[ Exist only ]


Emperor Cerise Snapper White-Ruby-red Clayfish

Emperor Red Snapper.png

Goatfish White-Yellow Spotty


Moorish Idol White-Gray Glitter

Moorish Idol.png

Ornate Butterflyfish‌[ JE only ]
Ornate Butterfly‌[ BE but ]
White-Orange Clayfish

Ornate Butterfly.png

Parrotfish Cyan-Pink Dasher‌[ JE only ]
Teal-Rose Dasher‌[ BE only ]


Queen Angelfish‌[ JE only ]
Queen Angel Fish‌[ Be only ]
Lime-Calorie-free Blueish Brinely‌[ JE only ]
Lime-Sky Brinely‌[ Exist just ]

Queen Angelfish.png

Cherry-red Cichlid Red-White Betty

Red Cichlid.png

Ruby Lipped Blenny Gray-Red Snooper

Red Lipped Blenny.png

Cherry-red Snapper Cherry-red-White Blockfish

Red Snapper.png

Threadfin White-Yellowish Flopper


Tomato Clownfish‌[ JE just ] Red-White Kob

Tomato Clownfish.png

Tomato Clown‌[ Be simply ] Scarlet-White SunStreak

Tomato Clown.png

Triggerfish Gray-White Sunstreak[n 1]


Yellowtail Parrotfish‌[ JE only ]
Yellowtail Parrot‌[ BE but ]
Cyan-Xanthous Dasher‌[ JE only ]
Teal-Yellow Dasher‌[ Exist only ]

Yellowtail Parrot.png

Yellow Tang Yellow Flopper

Yellow Tang.png

  1. a b c Sunstreak in Coffee Edition, SunStreak in Bedrock Edition.

Sounds [ ]

Sound Subtitles Source Description Resource location Translation key Volume Pitch Attenuation
None None [audio ane] ? Randomly entity.tropical_fish.ambient None [sound 1] ? ? ?
Tropical Fish dies ? Plays when it dies entity.tropical_fish.expiry subtitles.entity.tropical_fish.decease ? 0.viii sixteen
Tropical Fish flops ? Plays when on country entity.tropical_fish.flop subtitles.entity.tropical_fish.flop 0.3 ? xvi
Tropical Fish hurts ? Plays when damaged entity.tropical_fish.hurt subtitles.entity.tropical_fish.injure ? ? 16
  1. a b Empty events do not have this parameter set up.

Information values [ ]

ID [ ]

Java Edition:

Name Identifier Entity tags (JE) Translation fundamental
Tropical Fish tropical_fish axolotl_always_hostiles entity.minecraft.tropical_fish

Bedrock Edition:

Name Identifier Numeric ID Translation key
Tropical Fish tropicalfish 111

Entity information [ ]

Tropical fish have entity data associated with them that contains diverse backdrop.

Boulder Edition:

See Boulder Edition level format/Entity format.

Java Edition:

  • Entity data
    •  FromBucket: 1 or 0 (true/false) - Whether the fish had ever been released from a saucepan.
    •  Variant: A 4-byte integer.
      • The least significant byte has a value of either 0 for a small fish, or 1 for a large fish. Values higher up 1 event in an invisible fish.
      • The next byte has a value from 0–5, representing the pattern on the fish. Values above 5 effect in a fish with no pattern.
      • The adjacent byte has a value from 0–fifteen, representing the colour of the fish's body.
      • The most pregnant byte has a value from 0–xv, representing the color of the fish's pattern.


The fish sizes and patterns are depicted in the following table, with white torso colour and dark-grey pattern color.

2nd-least byte
0 1 2 three 4 5

least byte

Flopper Glitter Betty
Stripey Blockfish Clayfish
Tropical Fish Patterns.png
Kob Snooper Brinely
Sunstreak Dasher Spotty

The 22 varieties of tropical fish most usually constitute throughout the earth accept Variant tag values from the post-obit table, which also lists what color/shape/patterns come up from that value.

Shape Pattern Base color Pattern color Variant Type Name
0 0 1 0 65536 Orange-White Kob Clownfish
0 1 7 0 459008 Gray-White Sunstreak Triggerfish
0 0 14 0 917504 Ruby-White Kob Tomato Clownfish
1 3 14 0 918273 Red-White Blockfish Blood-red Snapper
one 4 fourteen 0 918529 Carmine-White Betty Red Cichlid
ane 5 0 1 16778497 White-Orange Clayfish Ornate Butterflyfish
0 four 5 iii 50660352 Lime-Lite Bluish Brinely Queen Angelfish
0 5 6 3 50726144 Pink-Low-cal Bluish Spotty Cotton Candy Betta
1 0 0 4 67108865 White-Xanthous Flopper Threadfin
0 five 0 4 67110144 White-Yellow Spotty Goatfish
i 0 four iv 67371009 Yellow Flopper Yellow Tang
0 3 9 4 67699456 Cyan-Yellow Dasher Yellowtail Parrotfish
1 3 10 4 67764993 Imperial-Yellow Blockfish Dottyback
0 iii 9 6 101253888 Cyan-Pink Dasher Parrotfish
1 2 0 7 117441025 White-Gray Glitter Moorish Idol
i 5 0 vii 117441793 White-Gray Clayfish Butterflyfish
1 1 1 7 117506305 Orangish-Gray Stripey Anemone
one 0 vii 7 117899265 Gray Flopper Black Tang
0 1 eleven 7 118161664 Blue-Gray SunStreak Cichlid
1 0 vii 11 185008129 Grey-Blueish Flopper Blue Tang
1 v 0 14 234882305 White-Cherry-red Clayfish Emperor Red Snapper
0 2 7 14 235340288 Greyness-Red Snooper Red Lipped Blenny

The variant number is the sum of the about meaning byte × 224 + second most significant byte × 2sixteen + second to the lowest degree significant byte × 28 + least significant byte.

Achievements [ ]

Icon Achievement In-game description Actual requirements (if unlike) Gamerscore earned Bays type (PS4)
PS4 Other platforms
I am a Marine Biologist Collect a fish in a bucket Use an empty bucket on any fish mob to collect it. 20G Bronze

Advancements [ ]

Icon Advocacy In-game clarification Parent Bodily requirements (if different) Resource location
Advancement-plain-raw.png Tactical Fishing
Catch a fish... without a fishing rod! Fishy Business Use a water bucket on any fish mob. husbandry/tactical_fishing

History [ ]

Java Edition Alpha
June 28, 2010 Notch mentioned that fish might be a feature of coral, if he were able to add coral: "... I do know that the corals will have tiny fish particles effectually them."
October four, 2010 Fish were a passive mob that Notch showed interest in adding. In the promotional graphic for the Halloween Update, Notch indicated he would add together fish. However, they were only added every bit an detail; in that location was no lawmaking for a fish mob.
Java Edition
Oct five, 2012 Fish were jokingly teased in the false snapshot 12marc40awesome, along with coral and "fish blocks".
April 13, 2013 When Jon Kågström was asked in his AMA on Reddit, "What mob would you like to implement into the game?" He responded, "I would like to add birds, fish and tree animals to make it more than alive. Notwithstanding this will take some time before it can be done."
July 31, 2013 During Notch'south AMA on Reddit, when asked about what happened to his plans of adding fish as a mob, he responded, "Oh yes, the fish!"
1.13 November 18, 2017 Tropical Fish Preview Green.png Tropical Fish Preview White.png Two fish mobs, presumably early tropical fish, were shown off in a clip presented at MineCon World.
18w10a Added tropical fish.
18w10b Tropical fish now make sounds and no longer use the histrion damage sound.
i.13.1 18w31a Fish now take a 5% chance of dropping os meal when killed.
1.17 20w51a Tropical fish are now attacked past axolotls.
21w13a Tropical fish spawned from buckets in the creative inventory now merely spawn as white kobs.[iii]
1.17.i Pre-release 2 Tropical fish spawned from buckets in the artistic inventory no longer only spawn as white kobs.
1.18 21w40a Tropical fish at present merely spawn betwixt y=50 and y=64, with the exception of lush caves in which they can spawn at whatever height.
1.xviii.2 22w07a Past fixing MC-244683, tropical fish at present also crave higher up a full water block to spawn.
ane.19 22w15a Tropical fish now spawn in mangrove swamps.
Boulder Edition
March one, 2018 ThorsHand11 states on the official Minecraft Discord that "more than a scattering" of tropical fish will be added.
1.4.0 beta 1.2.xiv.two Added all iv variants of fish mobs.
1.8.0 beta 1.viii.0.8 Tropical fish are now slightly bigger.
1.13.0 beta 1.thirteen.0.nine Tropical fish now drop feel when killed.
1.17.0 beta Tropical fish are at present attacked by axolotls.
1.18.0 beta Tropical fish at present only spawn between y=l and y=64, with the exception of lush caves in which they tin can spawn at whatever elevation.
beta ane.18.0.22 Tropical fish tin can now spawn in lukewarm body of water biomes.
Legacy Console Edition
TU69 one.76 Patch 38 Added fish mobs.
Teaching Edition
i.iv.0 Added all four variants of fish mobs.

Issues [ ]

Bug relating to "Tropical fish" are maintained on the bug tracker. Report problems there.

Gallery [ ]

Official artwork [ ]

Encounter likewise [ ]

  • Cod
  • Salmon
  • Pufferfish

References [ ]

  1. MC-126819 – "fish bouncing and suffocating on height of the cauldron which fills with h2o" resolved as "Won't Set"
  2. MC-169763 Resolved as "Works as Intended"
  3. MC-221656


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